My work as highlighted (and commented upon) in an in-house file of snappy headlines:
12-13-06 For the lovers, the dreamers and you B1 -- Kermit the Frog ... (6-column clo of massive rainbow across Sound.)
12-21-06 One storm story left by the side of the road B1 -- (Very nice touch on a column by Robert)
12-22-06 Roads of hell are paved with deep indentations // We're sinking into the season of a whole lot of potholes B1
12-25-06 For a quarter-century, Phil's has had you covered // Going by the book is bound to keep business strong H1
12-27-06 Democrats plan to reflow Big Oil money to renewable energy A4
12-28-06 The gift you can't return will leave you cold (and sniffly) A6
12-28-06 Youths space out when it comes to NASA A17
11-01-06 No time for even a pregnant pause// Mysterious pains lead to a happy surprise B3 -- (Woman learns she's pregnant, has baby the next day.)
11-06-06 Putting on your face can become fairly ugly // Chemicals in cosmetics linked to cancer, birth defects A1
10-11-06 Dinners put women's concerns on the table B5
10-14-06 The orca series end!!! Thanks for a fantastic job on all that copy. And there was a TON of copy. Good editing, great headlines and some very good questions asked to get it all into shape.
10-21-06 Missed the zoo by a hare B3 --
10-25-06 This car really cruises E1 -- (overline on clo of amphibious car here for Auto Show.)
10-26-06 Some people will go to no lengths to get a Starbucks E1 -- (Coffee seller building stores next to stores to people don't have to walk or wait.)
10-31-06 Halloween full of horrors, real and imagined B1 -- (Good hed ... can't say as much for the story ...)
09-02-06 Ya'll wouldn't udderstand anyway A7 -- (Phew...)
09-21-06 (Retiring baby boomers expected to leave huge void in the work force) With age goes experience E1
09-22-06 Pulp non-fiction B3 -- (Nice! Overline on clo of Texas Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving Contest.)
09-28-06 Weightless surgery a cut above the rest // Event paves way for operations in space A7
09-29-06 Boeing 737s flying out the door // Single-aisle jet tops 500 in sales for second year E1 --(Very nice.)
08-04-06 NASA gives then no space // Astronauts finish work early, get a to-do list in return A9
08-04-06 Don't bet the farm on 'Barnyard' WH6
08-05-06 Fit to be tiled SEATTLE2HOME
08-15-06 Feathers ruffled, Chicago bidding adieu to foie gras // With ban looming, fans are stuffing themselves like there's no tomorrow A2
08-15-06 Reviving extinct species a mammoth undertaking // Long-dead animals' frozen sperm might be used in inseminations A8
08-16-06 Astronomical change to solar system proposed A3
08-16-06 Mediation hits wall in concrete walkout B1 -- (good imagery helps otherwise pedestrian biz/labor story)
08-25-06 Pluto died much as it lived -- famous, but an oddball // Frozen mass stripped of title as ninth planet A2
JULY 2006
07-19-06 Fans line both sides of the court // Some lament loss; others say city has bigger worries A13
JUNE 2006
06-08-06 Not going, and not going quietly // Soldier against Iraq war won't see objector status A1 – (This is a great headline that was duly noted at the morning news conference.)
06-12-06 Combined forces B1 -- (A combined effort on clo of 19th annual Combine Demolition Derby.)
06-20-06 Previous count of wild pandas more gray than black and white A3 -- (Experts now say pandas are probably way undercounted.)
06-20-06 Gulf between poverty, wealth as wide as the Nile // Family of seven symbolizes Egypt's economic divide A5
06-21-06 Doctors must mind p's and q's // Physicians barred from using cursive to write prescriptions B1
06-23-06 Spiders are still putting the same old spin on things A6 -- (They're still making webs the same way they have for 136 million years!)
06-27-06 Smoggiest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle // It's starting to look like L.A. B1
06-30-06 Shanghai's future shifts from red to gray A14 -- (I really like this one on a story about how the communist nation's population is aging rapidly.)
MAY 2006
05-23-06 With the anthem, we're a bit off-Key// Most of us can't sing 'Star-Spangled Banner' A1
05-26-06 Her game face is on B1 -- (Nice overline on clo of Lara Croft of "Tomb Raider" video games.)
05-27-06 Supporters urge Bush: Don't mess with Texas A1