If you please click on the links to the right,
you will find examples of my projects,
headlines, cutlines and winning entries.

As always, additional samples are available upon request.

References available.

More P-I headlines, 2006

My work as highlighted (and commented upon) in an in-house file of snappy headlines:

12-13-06 For the lovers, the dreamers and you B1 -- Kermit the Frog ... (6-column clo of massive rainbow across Sound.)

12-21-06 One storm story left by the side of the road B1 -- (Very nice touch on a column by Robert)

12-22-06 Roads of hell are paved with deep indentations // We're sinking into the season of a whole lot of potholes B1

12-25-06 For a quarter-century, Phil's has had you covered // Going by the book is bound to keep business strong H1

12-27-06 Democrats plan to reflow Big Oil money to renewable energy A4

12-28-06 The gift you can't return will leave you cold (and sniffly) A6

12-28-06 Youths space out when it comes to NASA A17

11-01-06 No time for even a pregnant pause// Mysterious pains lead to a happy surprise B3 -- (Woman learns she's pregnant, has baby the next day.)

11-06-06 Putting on your face can become fairly ugly // Chemicals in cosmetics linked to cancer, birth defects A1

10-11-06 Dinners put women's concerns on the table B5

10-14-06 The orca series end!!! Thanks for a fantastic job on all that copy. And there was a TON of copy. Good editing, great headlines and some very good questions asked to get it all into shape.

10-21-06 Missed the zoo by a hare B3 --

10-25-06 This car really cruises E1 -- (overline on clo of amphibious car here for Auto Show.)

10-26-06 Some people will go to no lengths to get a Starbucks E1 -- (Coffee seller building stores next to stores to people don't have to walk or wait.)

10-31-06 Halloween full of horrors, real and imagined B1 -- (Good hed ... can't say as much for the story ...)

09-02-06 Ya'll wouldn't udderstand anyway A7 -- (Phew...)

09-21-06 (Retiring baby boomers expected to leave huge void in the work force) With age goes experience E1

09-22-06 Pulp non-fiction B3 -- (Nice! Overline on clo of Texas Chainsaw Pumpkin Carving Contest.)

09-28-06 Weightless surgery a cut above the rest // Event paves way for operations in space A7

09-29-06 Boeing 737s flying out the door // Single-aisle jet tops 500 in sales for second year E1 --(Very nice.)

08-04-06 NASA gives then no space // Astronauts finish work early, get a to-do list in return A9

08-04-06 Don't bet the farm on 'Barnyard' WH6

08-05-06 Fit to be tiled SEATTLE2HOME

08-15-06 Feathers ruffled, Chicago bidding adieu to foie gras // With ban looming, fans are stuffing themselves like there's no tomorrow A2

08-15-06 Reviving extinct species a mammoth undertaking // Long-dead animals' frozen sperm might be used in inseminations A8

08-16-06 Astronomical change to solar system proposed A3

08-16-06 Mediation hits wall in concrete walkout B1 -- (good imagery helps otherwise pedestrian biz/labor story)

08-25-06 Pluto died much as it lived -- famous, but an oddball // Frozen mass stripped of title as ninth planet A2

JULY 2006
07-19-06 Fans line both sides of the court // Some lament loss; others say city has bigger worries A13

JUNE 2006
06-08-06 Not going, and not going quietly // Soldier against Iraq war won't see objector status A1 – (This is a great headline that was duly noted at the morning news conference.)

06-12-06 Combined forces B1 -- (A combined effort on clo of 19th annual Combine Demolition Derby.)

06-20-06 Previous count of wild pandas more gray than black and white A3 -- (Experts now say pandas are probably way undercounted.)

06-20-06 Gulf between poverty, wealth as wide as the Nile // Family of seven symbolizes Egypt's economic divide A5

06-21-06 Doctors must mind p's and q's // Physicians barred from using cursive to write prescriptions B1

06-23-06 Spiders are still putting the same old spin on things A6 -- (They're still making webs the same way they have for 136 million years!)

06-27-06 Smoggiest skies you've ever seen are in Seattle // It's starting to look like L.A. B1

06-30-06 Shanghai's future shifts from red to gray A14 -- (I really like this one on a story about how the communist nation's population is aging rapidly.)

MAY 2006
05-23-06 With the anthem, we're a bit off-Key// Most of us can't sing 'Star-Spangled Banner' A1

05-26-06 Her game face is on B1 -- (Nice overline on clo of Lara Croft of "Tomb Raider" video games.)

05-27-06 Supporters urge Bush: Don't mess with Texas A1

More P-I headlines, 2007

My work as highlighted (and commented upon) in an in-house file of snappy headlines:

12-13-07 Rainier Beach High opening students' minds -- and yours // School is studiously working to reinvent itself B1

12-13-07 Christmas Stalking B2 -- (This is a just a great overline on a tiger at the zoo stalking a present!)

12-21-07 In three minutes, thieves steal art worth millions // Works by Picasso, Portinari snatched from Brazil museum A9 -- (Nothing overly fancy, just a solid, intriguing headline that makes the page.)

12-21-07 You can't be alive unless you have a doctor's note// Social Security declared teacher dead B2 -- (A headline sure to drag a reader into the story -- who could pass on this one?!)

10-05-07 Craig's guilty plea remains -- but so will he A3 -- (Just a well-crafted headline that smoothly incorporates both main elements of this story -- that his plea has to stand and that he'll not leave Congress as he promised. Nice.)

10-11-07 Toddlers can still marry in Arkansas A12 -- (Can't get much better than this -- the idiocy of the new law speaks for itself in this headline.)

10-18-07 Triathlete leaves competitors, self-pity behind // Blind UW student cracks 2-hour barrier A1

09-05-07 First-time teacher finds a new course // New job follows desire to change world A1

09-05-07 Sweet discovery made in Israel: Beehives from 3,000 years ago A7

09-14-07 A monument to lofty ambitions // China's tallest building rises 101 stories A8

09-15-07 Supporters take a stand B1 -- (overline on clo of crowd that showed up to hear candidate Ron Paul -- and it was standing room only!)

09-27-07 Time doesn't fly when you're stuck on a plane // Federal plan aims to cut tarmac wait C1 -- (Love this one!)

09-28-07 Cries for freedom answered with bullets A8 -- (Very, very nice hard-news headline here.)

08-10-07 Paging Philmon! You're wanted in D.C. // Garfield student wins coveted spot in page program B3

08-13-07 Students cut costs by not always going buy the book // Required texts are/ borrowed, shared or bought used E2

08-13-07 Marketers have their i's on you // Products everywhere start with that one little letter E3

08-13-07 On skins and needles // Tattoo convention draws/ legions -- and a TV show F1

08-22-07 We stack up poorly as a nation of readers // Poll finds one in four didn't crack a book last year A1 – (A very nice, conversational headline that doesn't beat readers over the head trying to make a word play. That paired very nicely with the inside sider ...

08-22-07 Poetry-only shop well-versed in success // But for Open Books' owners, the most valuable rewards are not financial A6

08-24-07 Patty-caked B5 -- (overline on clo of young boy getting squashed between his pig Patty and another pig at the fair.)

08-25-07 Ingrained talent helps B1 -- (Nice! Overline on clo of participants in sand sculpture contest.)

JULY 2007
07-09-07 All good workers must go away // Established vacation policies ensure smooth operations D2

07-16-07 Reading this is going to make your skin crawl // Bedbugs making a comeback A1

07-20-07 Buried Viking treasure has 'em all bowled over A3

07-21-07 No sun? Look on the Bite side A1 – {{Collaboration}} (Nice overline on clo from a gray Bite of Seattle)

07-25-07 Tackling a mountain of work // Students lead repairs on storm-damaged Rainier A1

JUNE 2007
06-09-07 'Workers' enjoy a brief case of frivolity B1 -- (This is great! Runners dressed up for the Briefcase 5K relay face in Fremont!)

06-27-07 Sun won't be hanging around B1 -- (on clo of kid hanging from a tree branch on warm summer day!)

MAY 2007
05-12-07 (A push for developments that build character) Capitol Hill moving forward -- but keeping an eye on the past A1

05-14-07 ALS patients find room for more life in less time to live it B2

05-19-07 Making monkey see B3 -- (overline on clo of artist sculpting eyes on a money form he's working on!)

05-24-07 Redmond teen knows where it's at C2 -- (Girl wins National Geographic Bee!)

APRIL 2007
04-05-07 Personality-wise, they're a bit stiff D1 -- (Guy adjusts mannequin display at vintage clothing store.

04-07-07 Kite has tailed him for few years B1 -- (clo of UW student flying a long-tailed kite that he's had since he was 10)

04-26-07 Funny, what colleges teach these days // Donald Duck, Superman subjects for serious study B1

MARCH 2007
03-17-07 Walls closing in on homeowners // Foreclosures show creative financing is coming back to haunt market A1

03-21-07 Till debt do they part D1 -- (on a Suze Orman column no less!)

03-30-07 Volvo, outside the box // Company aims ot 'pump up the visual volune' to capture a wider market F1

02-01-07 Shoot for the moon B1 -- (Perfect headline on clo of commercial photographer setting up shot atop building, with moon right over his hed.)

02-22-07 Celebrities might drool over pet-pampering products, but high-end dog shop gives some residents paws) Sign's location raises hackles A1 -- (showing remarkable restraint on High Maintenance Bitch story!)

02-22-07 Two cell phone bills hit dead air in House // Only teen measure likely to make it out of committee B1

02-28-07 It's sink or swim for local aquatics B2

01-03-07 Movies usher in freedom, but big picture is unclear // Islamic courts' rule in Somalia appears to be over A4

01-15-07 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day: 40 years later, do we still know this man's dream? Or are we) LOSING SIGHT OF THE VISION? A1

01-24-07 (Development forces history to take several steps back ... then forward) Legendary bar is relocating B1 -- (Story on the cha-cha dance steps being moved and installed!)

01-25-07 (Vista launch nearing the hype of perfection) It's Microsoft's game to lose A1 -- (Nice twist on another Microsoft launch story, this one involving LeBron James.)

01-25-07 He's tough as nails B2 -- (overline on clo of Hammering Man)

More P-I headlines, 2009-08

My work as highlighted (and commented upon) in an in-house file of snappy headlines:

01-01-09 The old drinks are here with him in spirits A9 – (This is great – bartender who specializes in in the drinks of long-ago times.)

01-05-09 Israel carves deeper into Gaza // Rising civilian toll fuels international outcry A1 –

01-08-09 Is she wearing your dress to the big event? A2 – (on inauguration story about online dress registry)

01-09-09 Finally, a brake in the case of wife’s mysteriously stopping car D1 – (on Car Talk column about vehicle whose brakes apply themselves)

01-12-09 Stark December could shutter 73,000 businesses in first half of this year// Death knell has sounded for many retail stores B6 – (good juxtaposition of "Death knell" with big photo of store owner posing with a skeleton model)

01-14-09 Sited for soaring eyes A10 – (overline for CLO showing a crew installing a model of SpaceShipOne at the Flying Heritage Collection at Paine Field)

01-16-09 Ring cycle: Fallen trees reused C6 – (it’s not often you can work a Wagnerian reference into a Small Business Scene head)

01-16-09 Beer sales fall in sober economy C9

01-17-09 In 24 years, no one’s dogged out on a bill // He has a $575 pet peeve// Tracker was hired to find missing cat A6

12-03-08 ‘Impeach Bush’ ornament axed from executive branch A1

12-17-08 (Foodista’s kitchen has room for a world of chefs) Couple stirs the pot with collaborative cooking site A1

12-18-08 Every dog has its say, pet owners believe // Poll: People can talk to the animals

12-20-08 ‘Start praying now’// Students screamed as bus crashed through I-5 barrier // Snow, ice, high winds, blizzard warning in forecast /// Stock up and hunker down for next big one A1 (Very nice set of headlines on this story {{part of collaboration}} to provide a great front page.)

11-15-08 (“I caught him cuddling a woman on a sofa in the game.” – Amy Tayor, who filed for divorce when she discovered her husband cheating in “Second Life.” Online snuggle isn’t real; divorce is A7

11-27-08 A louse-y job, but someone’s gotta do it B1 – (A “lice technician” goes to homes to rid kids of bugs.)

11-28-08 Time again to pack up, ship out // Group assembles gift boxes for troops B1

10-10-08 WHERE’S THE BOTTOM? Dow dives 679 in shocking late sell-off A1

10-13-08 Give it up for the Cougs; they sure do D3 – (WSU giving up 45.1 points a game on average!)

10-29-08 (Small business’ support of Obama isn’t always a bed of roses) Flower shop owner says she picked best of the bunch B1

10-30-08 This story of mental illness – and recovery – is still being told A1

09-05-08 Fremont Tugboat Co. has been holding the course for 93 years B1

09-05-08 Here’s the Thing: Short-lived VW car is a rolling death trap F1 – (Car Talk guys discuss the Thing, the not-at-all-safe Volkswagen car that made a brief appearance on U.S. roads.)

09-13-08 Some ride out the storm on ritual, stupidity// Stubborn can’t be forced to leave A8

09-18-08 State has hidden eye on those who zip through work zones// Camera will bring speeders $137 fine A1 – (A different kind of approach that made for a very effective news hed.)

09-20-08 Street art, legally parked// Grass covers concrete in a day to relish a green city A1

09-22-08 Pulling for a cure A1 – (overline on clo of a team in the Row for the Cure regatta)

09-22-08 (How U.S. brought these cookies into the fold is somewhat of a mystery) It’s a message of fame & fortunes E1 – (story about local fortune cookie company)

09-26-08 Testing the lay of the landing B2 – (Good overline on clo of first commercial plane to touch down during tests at new third runway at Sea-Tac.)

08-07-08 Mail carrier kilting at windmills B8 - (I just love this headline! Post office worker is trying to rally union to get approval for kilts.)

08-18-08 Come hills or high water B1 - (clo of participants before start of Danskin Women’s Triathlon.)

JULY 2008
07-07-08 Coupons again prove their redeeming value// Every cent counts in a sour economy E2

07-09-08 Don't bet the house to pay for education D1

07-12-08 A few bumps -- but never a grind// Vegas stripper, 80, has lived it all and still vows class act A6 (This is just a fantastic headline!)

JUNE 2008
06-05-08 Discoveries tide them over B1 -- (overline on clo of dad and daughter making their annual trek to the beaches on the lowest tide of the year.)

06-06-08 When to shift an automatic? Answer's all downhill from gear G1 -- (Nice!)

06-07-08 Seattle's demure sibling is growing up -- and up// But rapid development troubles some in Bellevue A1

06-19-08 Candidate withdraws, then changes mind, then ... well, just read on// Fax machine faulty; opponent is upset B2

06-25-08 No last meal as demolition bites into Ballard Denny's B2

06-26-08 What's new for Gates? Anything he can dream up A1 -- (Nice hed on last of the series about Gates stepping down at Microsoft. And nice job of editing that package.)

06-26-08 Film lab shuttered as focus shifts to digital// Ivey Photo making its parting shot// Workers' futures uncertain E1 -- (The Business editor got a hoot out of this one.)

MAY 2008
05-10-08 After agonizing separation, mom decided to choose her child over drugs// Keeping her head above water B1 -- (main head under photo of mom and daughter in swimming pool)

05-16-08 (Drama students team with the Rep to put on musical) Everyone is in on the act// High schoolers get a say in all aspects of the production B1

05-19-08 Cross that bridge? They did get there B1 -- (Overline on clo of Beat the Bridge race!)

05-22-08 'Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Obsessed fan' A1 -- (Outstanding!)

05-31-08 (One-time Kingdome ice cream vendor now homeless, but ... Ball may put him back in the game// Owner of souvenir from Griffey Jr.'s '91 grand slam hopes it hauls in $50,000 A1 -- {{collaboration}}

APRIL 2008
04-11-08 Coffee wars running at full steam ahead// McDonald's free latte promo joins new Starbucks pitch E1

04-14-08 Fans visit memory lane as Sunset Bowl closes// Sale to developer adds 51 years of stories to Seattle history books A1

04-25-08 Cost forces new fire stations to let the poles slide// Many firefighters question decision B1

04-28-08 A boat for $2.5 million? You might want to sleep on it// Tom Hanks' movie home for sale B1